WORKSHOP, september 22nd:
By putting your marketing plan in motion and creating a flow of contacts in a sales and marketing pipeline, you can run your business from a position of strength – while building valuable customer relationships and reinforcing trust in your brand.
In this practical workshop, you’ll explore and customize the sales and marketing pipeline for your own business. You’ll also look at ways to simplify and systematize marketing activities, so you can make better use of your time. Bring your best questions and be ready to work.
Through this hands-on workshop, you’ll:
- Learn how marketing helps you connect to your market and turn bystanders into raving fans
- See how a sales & marketing pipeline helps you build, grow and retain customer relationships
- Gain strategies for moving contacts along at every stage of the pipeline, so that you can improve sales
- Customize your own pipeline and walk away with a ready-to-implement marketing system built around your business
Tuesday, September 22
9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Hycroft Mansion in Shaughnessy
1489 McRae Street, Vancouver
Includes morning coffee and a light lunch.
Free parking on The Crescent.
book early and save $20
$119+GST when you register by August 31
$139+GST after August 31
Space is limited.
To register, email info@trustmode.com and include your name, organization, email and phone number. We’ll send you an invoice via PayPal, so that you can pay with your credit card.